Kincumber Roos FC is a 100% volunteer run club with a large number of fantastic supportive members and amazing volunteers. Each year our canteen and BBQ is a major source of revenue for the club, but more importantly a valued service offered to our players and spectators.
The club recently invested in a new point of sale system and scanning equipment that makes working in the canteen a simple and enjoyable process.
With over 750 members, it makes sharing the work much easier.
Below is the Club canteen roster for 2020. Careful consideration has been made in the creation of this roster to ensure that a teams rostered time closely aligns to their game time at Frost.
Consideration has also been granted that teams from U14s and above have significantly more players that those of their fellow junior Roo teams. Therefore, the teams from U14 and above may appear twice on the roster. We support parents in encouraging their child to assist in the canteen if they are above 14 years of age. For U5 - U13, we do require an adult to fulfil the canteen shift.
Due to Covid, the Club will be initially only be selling pre-packaged items to reduce risks. Operators in the canteen will be provided with gloves. We will also be encouraging a cashless canteen as part of our Covid plan.
As Saturdays are our busiest day at Frost, we require 2 volunteers from the team to assist in the canteen for a 2 hour time slot.
As Sunday consist of less teams, you will notice your team is likely to appear more than once on the roster. A Sunday team is required to offer a minimum of 1 volunteer per scheduled shift.
If you are able to offer a couple of hours of your time to provide this valuable service, please refer to the the roster and contact your Team Manager and offer your services.
8am - 10am |
10am - 12pm |
12pm - 2pm |
2pm - 4pm |
July 4th |
Committee |
Committee |
Committee |
Committee |
July 11th |
M45D |
U6D5 |
U8WS |
U13C |
July 18th |
M35C |
U7L4 |
U9D2 |
M15B |
July 25th |
U11D |
U7S2 |
U8O2 |
M16C |
Aug 1st |
M35B |
U9C |
U10D |
Aug 8th |
U11B |
U10C1 |
U14C2 |
U13B |
Aug 15th |
U12A |
U9A |
U6D2 |
Aug 22nd |
U8J2 |
U8J1 |
U9B |
Aug 29th |
U5S2 |
U6D6 |
U7L1 |
U12C |
Sept 5th |
U6D5 |
U8O1 |
U8J3 |
M45D |
Sept 12th |
U6D8 |
M35D |
M15C |
Sept 19th |
U12D |
U10A2 |
U7L3 |
Sept 26th |
U5S4 |
U12B |
M15B |
U9D1 |
Oct 10th |
U14C2 |
M35D |
U14C1 |
M35C |
Oct 17th |
U6D3 |
U11C |
U11A |
9am - 11am |
11am - 1pm |
1pm - 3pm |
July 5th |
Committee |
Committee |
Committee |
July 12th |
July 19th |
WAA1 |
W18A |
MAA7 |
Aug 9th |
W14B |
WAA5 |
Aug 16th |
WAA3 |
MAA5 |
Aug 23rd |
MAA1 |
WAA5 |
Sept 6th |
MAA5 |
WAA3 |
Sept 13th |
W14B |
WAA1 |
Sept 20th |
WAA6 |
MAA1 |
Oct 11th |
WAA5 |
W18A |